Saras, the winner of the
Yayori Award, trying her new T-shirt. Deva, PSWS founder members trying her gloves for clean government.
Deva, Saras and Stella on the march.
Saras proud to hold the banner and walk.
The Penang women team ready to put their right or left foot out ... for the march of course!
The AWAM team ... their logo and white hands - symbol for a clean government
Ambiga with Irene Fernandez (on wheels)
The lady with mask, umbrella on the anti-Lynas campaign.
Yes ... yes ... listen to our voices ... how many times must we say this ha!!!!
Stella and Saras holding banner for the march
The women bring their babies for the march ... start 'em early
Yes indeed who's next to be killed in custody?. The woman holding the poster (apologies for not capturing her face) is Teoh Beng Hock's (who was killed in mysterious circumstances, when he was being questioned during a MACC investigation) sister.
All the MPs (members of Parliament) and DUNs (state Assembly members) on stage - good at what they know best - give speeches. YB Roziah the self elected campaign manager for all of them ...
Thenmoli,organiser for PSWS with her hubby, Barak and daughter, Rosalind. Thenmoli training them for marches to come. Rosalind and Barak watch out.
The faceless women of the march.
The lovely, smiling gentlemen who supported the cause ... eh do you all know what you're marching for?
Chitra from Pertubuhan Advokasi Masyarakat Terpinggir Kuala Lumpur dan Selangor(PAMT) assisting a woman who was exhausted after the 3Km march ... need water and first brigade ... anyone out there?
The kids loved the balloons and they made sure they took a bundle ... his mum assisted him of course :-)
This is the Amal group from PAS taking a break. They were the ones who provided security and guided the marchers through the 3 Km walk.
Maria, Maria ... penat ke?
This is the WCC group bitten by the rhythm of the durms ... they sang a poem composed by Prema Devaraj (3rd from left).
Siva from Jerit didn't like this kid stealing her light ... note her thumbs down for the kid!!! Siva needs child care training don't you agree?
These are PAS women from Kelanton ... taking a break ... long walk you know. They came by bus from Kelanton that morning.
These are Johore PAS women ... amazing lot.
The motley crowd ... Sarah, SUARAM on left, the woman with the bandana is Jana ... the rest from Friens united huh!
The Bar Council lawyers keeping an eye if the police turned up.